Love movies and love luxury? Then you’ll love HOYTS LUX E-Vouchers – the fastest and most convenient way to see movies.
Each HOYTS LUX E-Voucher is redeemable for one HOYTS LUX admission ticket for any session.
With in cinema service and a premium food and wine selection at your fingertips with a touch of a button, you can kick back and relax in ultimate style.
Just choose the number of HOYTS LUX E-Vouchers and we’ll deliver straight to your inbox.
Please note: check your local HOYTS Cinema ticket prices before purchasing as standard session prices may vary depending on location.
Love movies? Then you’ll love HOYTS E-Vouchers – the fastest and most convenient way to see movies.
Each HOYTS E-Voucher is redeemable for one general admission ticket for any session.
Just choose the number of HOYTS E-Vouchers and we’ll deliver straight to your inbox.
Please note: check your local HOYTS cinema ticket prices before purchasing as standard session prices may vary depending on location.
Free Delivery.
May take up to 48 hours to be delivered to the recipient’s inbox or may be delivered on a future date*
*Some email addresses have security settings that may block the delivery of your e-product. Please get in touch with us if you don't receive your E-Gift Card.
How Digital Delivery Works
48hr E-Delivery or Schedule for Later
Need a present ASAP? HOYTS E-Gift Cards deliver anywhere, anytime and can be redeemed for movie tickets, Candy Bar items and even merchandise! Just choose a design and the amount, write a message (optional) and we'll deliver straight to the recipients inbox! E-Gift Cards are sent within 48 hours of purchase, or can be scheduled for a later date - a perfect option for future birthdays and special occasions.
Personalise Your Gift
Looking to customise your gift? Make it personal by writing a message and we'll deliver it straight to their inbox.
Physical or Digital
Choose between a physical or digital Gift Card option to best suit your needs. Physical Gift Cards are sent via Australia Post and delivered to the nominated address. Digital Gift Cards are sent via email, directly to the nominated recipients email address. Physical Gift Cards are usually delivered between 4 and 6 days when express shipping is selected.
Build a Bundle
Build a bundle of your ultimate Gift Cards and vouchers for the ultimate movie lover gift.